You want to be successful in trading, right?

You put all this hard work with nothing to show yet...

And it feels like things must start getting good for you finally!

Yet - here is the problem with that..

When you feel things should start working

Out for you is when you feel rushed.

And the moment you feel rushed - you

immediately make a terrible mistake And that cycle will keep repeating...

Rushing is your enemy!

Rushing to make it quickly

Rushing to enter into a trade.

Rushing to go breakeven on a trade.

Rushing to close the trade early.

Rushing to use high leverage to get maximum profits

Rushing to succeed in trading.

I can keep going on with rushed mistakes...

Do you think this rush can help you succeed?

Unfortunately, it only slows you down...

How you can prevent from it?

Identify your Rushes

Explore your Trading and your Mindset.

When do you feel rushed?

What for?

Understand that any "rushed" emotion will only make things worse for you.

Pinpoint the exact moments you are usually

rushing or feeling a rush.

It can be missing out on a move or watching big candles.

it can be recovering your losses

can be be anything you know it better .

Introduce habits and mindset shifts to disrupt those emotions from taking over.

Keep working hard on dropping the rush and

you'll see your trading flourish.