*Money Makes Money -* You must re-invest what you have earned if you want to make more.
*Wealth Does Not Come From Your Job* It is the best way to make capital at first. But true wealth comes from the passive income you make.
*It Takes More Money Than You Think -* Millionaires do not lead the lifestyle that they are imagined to. Most people would need ~ $20 Million to lead a lifestyle close to what they imagine.
*It Takes Time -* Get-rich-quick schemes do not work. If you want to be rich you must invest your money and be patient.
Some Debts Are Good - Leveraging a debt can be of huge benefit if used right.
*Rich People Do Not Look Rich -* Most of them are comfortable being who they are. They do not need clothes to show off.
*It’s Not What Ultimately Matters -* Sure, money makes things easier… to a point. After that its about what you do not what’s in your bank account.