Sister Bei laid out early for ENA, starting to buy in batches as soon as Binance went live and has been holding ever since, with an average price of around 0.6. Even when it dropped to its lowest point, Sister Bei's value was more than halved, but she never sold, opting for long-term compound interest. The yield on Binance's flexible financial products can reach an annualized 12%, and if staked on external platforms, the yield is even higher.

ENA is currently the cryptocurrency that Sister Bei is most eager to increase her position in, as it has three significant advantages. First, it is one of the hottest stablecoins right now; second, it is a cryptocurrency that the Trump family has recently invested heavily in; and finally, it has attributes related to the ETH sector, where its earnings model will spiral upwards with the rise of ETH. ENA appears to be rebounding strongly at the moment, and a significant drop is harder to achieve than Bitcoin. Sister Bei is also buying in batches, with 0.9 and 0.8 being short-term entry points.