According to Deep Tide TechFlow, on December 23, Telegram founder Pavel Durov announced on his personal channel that the platform achieved profitability for the first time after three years of commercialization. In 2024, Telegram's total revenue exceeded $1 billion, with more than $500 million in cash reserves at the end of the year (excluding crypto assets). The platform's core business grew strongly, with Premium paid users increasing threefold year-on-year to 12 million, and advertising revenue saw multiple growth.

In terms of debt management, Telegram has issued approximately $2 billion in debt over the past four years and has completed some buybacks in the fall of 2024 by taking advantage of bond prices. This year, the platform launched several innovative monetization features, including Stars, Gifts, Giveaways, Mini Apps, Affiliate Platform, Telegram Business, and Telegram Gateway, showcasing a financial sustainability development model while maintaining independence and user rights.

Durov emphasized that the fundamental purpose of monetization is to ensure that users are always the platform's top priority.