Market sentiment is two-sided. As traders, we must not follow the crowd blindly; we need the ability to make correct decisions independently.

Analyzing market trends to make trading decisions is an essential threshold you cannot avoid in the cryptocurrency space. If you want to achieve good results through trading in this field, you must break through this barrier. You cannot evade or hide from it; it will always catch up with you.

Establish a trading level that suits you, whether it be long-term, medium-term, or short-term. If you do not have time to monitor the market daily and cannot understand market trends, insisting on day trading is simply giving money to the market, right?

After determining your trading level, you also need to adjust your mindset according to your situation, develop a strict trading plan and strategy, and look for precise entry and exit points through the market. This includes effective position management, asset allocation, profit-taking, stop-loss, and risk control, among other things.

Then, make good trading notes. After completing a trade, use your previous notes for an in-depth review to reflect and summarize. Continue to refine and optimize the areas where you were correct, and improve on the mistakes you made.

Your lack of rigor regarding wealth will reflect in your trading results, leading to losses; this is the cause-and-effect relationship.

If you focus only on the results of making money without considering the reasons that lead to making money, the outcome will surely be negative, even if luck favors you temporarily; it won't affect the overall picture.

After all, you can't just make one trade and exit the market; trading is a long-term, continuous process, one trade after another.

When you can understand these issues, you will have a direction to strive for, instead of complaining about the market after suffering losses in trading.

You will gain a new understanding of the market and realize that to make a fortune in this globally participated financial market, you must rely on your own understanding and professional skills, no longer harboring hopes of luck, speculation, or a gambling mentality.