As of December 21, 2024, Neiro (NEIRO) is trading at approximately $0.00089645. Below is an updated analysis and a prediction based on current trends and market projections:

Current Analysis:

Current Price: $0.00089645

Market Capitalization: $429.1 million

24-Hour Trading Volume: $397.2 million

Price Predictions:

2024: NEIRO is estimated to reach an average price of $0.0022, with a potential maximum of $0.0024 by December 2024.

2025: Projections indicate that NEIRO could range between $0.0033 and $0.005, with an average around $0.004.

2030: In the long term, NEIRO is anticipated to reach between $0.01 and $0.02, depending on factors such as project adoption and market conditions.

Important Considerations:

Market Volatility: Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile; prices can fluctuate significantly in short periods.

Dependence on Ethereum: NEIRO, being based on Ethereum, may be affected by changes in this network, including updates and gas fees.

Regulations: Government policies and regulations can influence the value and adoption of NEIRO.


Personal Research: Before investing, it is crucial to conduct your own analysis and consider the associated risks.

Diversification: Do not concentrate all your investments in a single asset; diversifying can mitigate risks.

Constant Monitoring: Stay informed about news and developments related to NEIRO and the cryptocurrency market in general.

Remember that predictions do not guarantee future results and should be taken with caution.