In the cryptocurrency universe, the price of an asset is determined by supply and demand. Let's simplify this with an orange! 🍊

What is Offer? 🤲

It is the quantity available of something on the market.

If there are a lot of oranges 🍊, the price tends to fall.

If there are few oranges, the price goes up. 📈

What is Demand? 🙋‍♂️

It is the interest in buying something.

If 20 people want your one orange, the price goes up. 🤑

If nobody wants it, the price drops. 📉

In Cryptos 💻

Lots of supply and little demand: the price falls.

Low supply and high demand: the price goes up. 🚀

💡 Think about oranges: when there are few fruits and many people want them, the price skyrockets! 🍊💰

Before investing, understand how supply and demand are influencing the market.

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