Simon’s Cat ($CAT) Coin Project.
Simon’s Cat is a digital currency inspired by the popular British animated series created by Simon Tofield, which began in 2008 and has garnered over 1.6 billion views on its official YouTube channel, in addition to millions of followers across various social media platforms. This coin aims to integrate the beloved brand into the world of Web 3, providing fans with new ways to interact with content and participate in the digital community.
• Goal: The project aims to create a fan-driven Web 3 community, where they can interact with the brand in innovative ways, such as interactive games, earning rewards, and exclusive access to special events and content.
• Collaboration: The coin was launched with the support of Floki, a leading Web 3 ecosystem, and was pre-sold exclusively on the TokenFi platform.
• Charitable contributions: Part of the project’s vision includes contributing to initiatives aimed at feeding and saving cats worldwide, reflecting the brand’s connection to the world of cats and their well-being.
• Max Supply
9 trillion CAT coins.
• Total Supply ~8.1 trillion CAT coins.
• Circulating Supply ~6.75 trillion CAT coins.