In this cryptocurrency world full of unknowns and variables, my journey has been a road that is both grueling and full of hope.

Since 2015, I have entered this emerging field with an unknown vision of digital currency. At that time, I was full of youthful energy and unlimited dreams for the future, thinking that I could make a difference in this brand new market.

I had been comfortable in the more traditional stock index futures and ETF options markets, so I felt confident that I could easily navigate this freer, more active market.

However, reality soon hit me hard. In the first few months, I experienced liquidation almost every month. Each time was a heavy blow, which kept me awake at night and almost lost all my confidence and hope.

I started to question myself, am I really suitable for this market? Is it really possible to find a place in this volatile field? But in the most confusing and difficult moments, I told myself that I couldn’t just give up. Because although the past cannot be undone, the future is still in my hands.

So, I began to slowly adjust my strategy, learning how to find lessons in losses and stay humble in victories. I gradually learned to control risks and no longer blindly pursue dreams that seemed to make me rich overnight.

I began to seriously study market dynamics, analyze various trading tools and strategies, and strive to improve my skills and knowledge. Over time, I began to find my niche in this volatile market. I am no longer the eager newbie, but have become more mature and stable. I learned to stay calm in trading and not be affected by short-term fluctuations in the market. I began to focus on building a solid trading system that helped me maintain a clear mind and firm determination in the complex and ever-changing market.

I also began to realize that trading is not only a game of technology and strategy, but also a psychological and emotional battle. Every fluctuation in the market is a test of my mentality. I learned how to manage my emotions, how to stay calm in the face of losses, and stay humble in the face of gains. I started paying more attention to mental health and life balance because I know that only by being mentally strong can you survive in this challenging market in the long term.

Now I am a full-time trader. Although the market is still full of uncertainty, I have learned how to find opportunities in changes and seek growth in risks. I know that this road will never be smooth, but I also believe that as long as I stay determined and patient, I will be able to realize my dreams one day.

On this journey, I also hope to be able to move forward with more like-minded friends. Because I know that no matter whether it is good times or bad times, you should not face it alone. Let's share experiences together, face challenges together, and celebrate every small victory together. Because in the end, we are all fighting for the same goal - to find our own piece of sky in this volatile market.

Therefore, to all my friends who are struggling in the currency circle, I want to say: Don’t be afraid of failure and don’t give up easily. Every fall is the strength to stand up next time, and every failure is the only way to succeed. As long as you persist, one day you will find that all the hardships and challenges are worth it. Let's move forward together and create our own legends in this world full of possibilities.