Cryptocurrency multiplication table, useful!
In the morning, if there's a big drop, increase your position; if there's a big rise, reduce your position.
In the afternoon, if there's a big rise, only reduce your position; if there's a big drop, buy the next day.
In the morning, do not sell when the market is down, buy on dips T+0.
In the afternoon, do not chase after rises, reduce your position on highs T+1.
In the morning, watch the rise at ten o'clock, in the afternoon, watch the rise at two o'clock; sell at the highest point. If the cryptocurrency is strong, it will be capped at ten o'clock; if not strong, it will be capped at two o'clock. Control your position and don't take chances; rolling operations are the best strategy.
Do not short in a bull market, do not long in a bear market.
Do not sell off in a bull market, do not chase in a bear market.
Here's the complete formula for everyone, remember to memorize it!