Cryptocurrency Trading Fee Calculation

Spot trading single-sided fee rate 0.1%

Purchase value × fee rate = fee

The fee for purchasing 10,000u of Bitcoin is 10u, and the same fee is required for selling, for a total fee of 20u

Contract trading single-sided fee rate limit order 0.02%, market order 0.05%

Position value × fee rate = fee

Position value = opening margin × leverage ratio

With 100u margin using 100x leverage, the position value is 10,000u (for example only, high leverage is not recommended!!!)

The fee required for opening a position is 2-5u

Closing a position also requires the same amount of fee

Total fee for opening and closing positions is 4-10u

The fee for market opening and closing positions accounts for 10% of the opening margin, meaning you must achieve a profit rate of over 10% to truly be considered profitable

Fees are unrelated to the cryptocurrency!!!

The fee for 10u at 100x leverage and 100u at 10x leverage is the same, but the forced liquidation price may differ, so this is something to be careful about!!!