#Bitcoin The financial crisis of 2008, also known as the subprime mortgage crisis, was one of the worst economic crises since the Great Depression of 1929. Here is a summary of its causes and consequences:
### Main Causes
1. Real Estate Bubble: The crisis originated in the United States due to the collapse of the real estate bubble. Home prices rose rapidly, driven by high-risk (subprime) mortgage loans granted to buyers with low creditworthiness¹.
2. Complex Financial Products: Banks packaged these loans into complex financial products like CDOs (Collateralized Debt Obligations), which were sold to global investors².
3. Financial Deregulation: Deregulation allowed financial institutions to take excessive risks without sufficient oversight¹.
### Consequences
1. Bankruptcy of Financial Institutions: The crisis peaked with the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, which triggered a global banking crisis¹.
2. Global Recession: The crisis caused a global recession, with a significant decline in economic activity and rising unemployment¹.
3. Government Interventions: Governments and central banks implemented rescue and economic stimulus measures to stabilize the financial system².
If you have any specific questions about the crisis or want to know more details, feel free to ask!
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¹: [Wikipedia](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crisis_financiera_de_2007-2008)
²: [Comillas](https://repositorio.comillas.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11531/37670/Crisis%20Financiera%20de%202008%20Causas%20Consecuencias%20y%20Situacion%20Actual%20del%20Sistema%20Financiero%20-%20Ochoa%20Mosquera%2C%20Jorge.pdf?sequence=1)
(1) Financial crisis of 2007-2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crisis_financiera_de_2007-2008.
(2) FINANCIAL CRISIS OF 2008: CAUSES, CONSEQUENCES AND ... - COMILLAS. https://repositorio.comillas.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11531/37670/Crisis%20Financiera%20de%202008%20Causas%20Consecuencias%20y%20Situacion%20Actual%20del%20Sistema%20Financiero%20-%20Ochoa%20Mosquera%2C%20Jorge.pdf?sequence=1.
(3) What was the financial crisis of 2008. https://muyfinanciero.com/historia/crisis-financiera-de-2008/.