Warning against fraud on the Binance P2P platform is important, as some users are exposed to fraud due to lack of caution or dealing with untrustworthy parties. Here are the most important tips to avoid fraud while using Binance P2P:

1. Deal only with trusted merchants:

Choose merchants who have high ratings and positive feedback.

Avoid dealing with new accounts that do not have a clear trading history.

2. Verify payment details:

Use bank accounts or payment methods that match your existing Binance account name.

Never send money to someone who asks to change the account or sends new details at the last minute.

3. Avoid chatting outside the platform:

Do not go to external applications or platforms to communicate with the other party.

Binance provides an internal chat system to ensure security.

4. Use arbitration if necessary:

If you feel any error or delay in the process, open a dispute from within the platform.

Do not release coins until you are sure you have received the funds.

5. Reviewing quotes:

If an offer seems too good to be true, it may be a trap.

Check market prices before accepting any offer.

6. Be aware of common scams:

Requests for additional proof such as ID cards or photos may be an attempt at identity theft.

Prevent surprise from the other party immediately after payment or receipt of money.

to remember:

The safety of your funds depends on your awareness. Always make sure to read Binance’s official tips on P2P trading and stay vigilant.