Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings To every brother and sister, may God bless you with goodness and happiness I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for your trust and continuous support, which deserves all respect and appreciation. The hard work and dedication you have shown, after God Almighty, had a great impact in achieving the desired goals. You have been an example to follow in adhering to the recommendations, and I can only express my deep gratitude for all that you have provided. Our success is the fruit of your continuous cooperation and your inexhaustible giving. Thank you from the heart, and to more future successes, God willing.
I would like to clarify to you that the recommendations that I publish here for you come after research from several sites and people, and I transfer them to you and I do not want anything in return for that. All I ask from you is a good supplication in absentia for all Muslims. I would also like to point out something important, which is that I cannot respond to everyone who asks a question, so I apologize and may God guide everyone to all good. Finally, I verify all news and do not publish it except after verifying its sources. If it turns out otherwise, I ask all brothers to send a warning and correct the information. We are human beings who make mistakes and succeed, and glory be to He who does not forget or make mistakes, the Most High
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