Actually I am pessimistic about the future of crypto right now. Bitcoin is decentralized in terms of owner ownership but is vested through institutional monopolies such as ETFs and governments. America benefits greatly from the purchase of dollar printing schemes to compete in bitcoin acquisition and maybe for those people it is a good thing but loses value due to excessive dollar printing like fiat and theether.

Tether as a stablecoin is printed 1:1 through dollars. And the dollar prints every time Tether is printed. I think this is a double-edged sword. If the printing of tethers was based on physical gold collateral, maybe that would be different. Because bitcoin is basically digital gold that should be far from institutional authority and is purchased through the issuance of tethers based on physical gold reserves.

This is what underlies my pessimism about the future of bitcoin because even if the supply runs out in 2140 it doesn't mean anything because the dollar printing authority will still issue every tether printing. If the dollar collapses then bitcoin will also collapse.

It takes a policy from practitioners and market makers in this matter so that tether completely burns dollar reserves and switches completely to physical gold. It will keep all digital currency entities including altcoins safe from manipulation and completely stable from pure tether which is minted based on gold reserves.