In the current circumstances, cryptocurrency platforms have become more cautious, as they can freeze user accounts at any moment to verify the sources of funds. We have seen this recently with platforms like Binance and Coinbase, which have frozen the accounts of many users until they provide documents proving the sources of their funds.
To avoid falling into these traps, here are some valuable tips:
1. **Use cold wallets**: It is preferable to store your funds in cold wallets such as **LEDGER** and **NGRAVE** to keep them safe in the long term.
2. **Short-term wallets**: You can use **SAFEPAL** for your daily needs and short-term transactions, providing you with easy access to your funds when needed.
3. **Trade with caution**: Use centralized platforms only for buying and selling, not for storage.
4. **Moving Funds After Selling**: After selling your coins, it is wise to transfer the USDT or USDC back to your wallet to avoid any potential freeze.
5. **Check local laws**: Make sure you understand local requirements regarding cryptocurrencies, as they vary from country to country.
By following these tips, you can protect your money and ensure its safety in these uncertain times.