Before investing in any project, it is essential to understand its business model and revenue
Lets Dive into Pancake swap
PancakeSwap is the DEX (Decentralized Exchange) of the BSC chain, similar to
Uniswap for Ethereum, Raydium for Solana, and Aerodrome for Base
PancakeSwap ranks 9th in fee collection and revenue generation within the crypto
24 hours fees collection : 3.4 Million
7 days fees collection : 16 Million
30 days fees collection : 58 Million
1 year fees collection : 401 Million
All time fees collection :1.69 billion

The current market cap of Cake Token is 1 billion dollars.
PancakeSwap's CAKE token is now a deflationary token; it buys back and burns
tokens using its fees

As part of our ongoing commitment to achieving Ultrasound CAKE, November
marks the 15th consecutive month of reducing the total supply of CAKE. This
month alone, we achieved a Net Mint of -1,047,762 CAKE, pushing the cumulative
reduction to -6,733,209 CAKE. November is the month with the largest negative
net emissions in history!
Key CAKE Stats for November:
đ¨âđžMinted: 983,314
đĽBurned: 2,031,076
đNet Mint: -1,047,762
đť% of total supply burned: -0.274%
Total TVL (Total Value Locked) on PancakeSwap

Total Value Locked (TVL): 2.19B
Total Volume: $37.2B
Average Daily Volume: $1.2B
Unique Traders: 2.2M
Unique Onsite Users: 2.3M
veCAKE - Total CAKE Locked: 86.9M
veCAKE - AVG Lockup Period: 66 (Weeks)
Now, summarizing the above stats in conclusion
The BSC chain is part of the Binance exchange ecosystem, and for the growth of both Binance Exchange and the BSC chain, it is essential for PancakeSwap's DEX to also grow. This will allow smaller projects to launch. As you can see from CZ's influence on the market, with just a tweet, any token can be pumped by 300% in a single day. Now, think about what you can do for own ecosystem. The CAKE token has a market cap of 1 billion, and it is deflationary, meaning its supply won't increase. If the market cap of the CAKE token reaches 7 billion, it could easily grow by 7x,from here
@PancakeSwap #Cake
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