Recently, many people have been complaining to Egg Master: Why do prices remain unchanged while losing more in a bull market than in a bear market? The reason is that your account's risk resistance ability is too poor. Most people come in and go all-in; if there’s a slight pullback, they panic sell. Some crazily even leverage by dozens of times with HY. If you can withstand even the slightest market fluctuation, you are considered impressive!!

Remember Egg Master's mantra: Opportunities arise from declines, risks arise from rises, don’t rush, sell without greed, cut losses without delay, don't diversify too much, never be fully invested, and follow the trend. Buy a little on small dips, buy a lot on large dips, buy a lot on crashes, don't buy during stagnation, sell a little on small rises, sell a lot on large rises, sell a lot on explosive rises, and don’t sell during stagnation.