In fact, compared to managing positions, managing emotions and mindset is more important.

Those investors who have already sold their stocks do not need to rush back into the market. Because you have already made a profit, even if you miss a slightly higher price, it is still a gain. No one in the financial markets can be 100% certain that the future will rise or fall; even low-probability events can suddenly crash.

From the perspective of mindset management, a few days ago, you happily sold your stocks, securing your profits; whether you earned a lot or a little is still considered a gain. Now, if you re-enter the market and get stuck, your mindset will collapse, and you will feel that every decision you make is wrong.

No matter how the market moves next, once you have sold, do not think about buying back. There will be many opportunities next year; just be patient and wait.

Conversely, those like Old Fish who insist on not selling can also maintain their positions without issue. We are not right or wrong compared to those who have already sold their stocks; it is just a different trading approach. High risk, high return; that’s how investing works.

In short, each of us will迎来属于自己的“春天”.

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