In the coming days, you will see thousands of screenshots floating on the internet, claiming that people have made millions or achieved 100x or even 1000x returns.

Believe me :) 99% are expert liars and the other 1% people are proactive hardworking individuals who have a bit of luck on their side.

This cycle will give you numerous opportunities, but only if you are active and willing to put in the hard work to find that one alpha that could change your life.

If you are already busy with a job or studies, achieving 2x or 5x returns on your money is still a BIG WIN . Just don't get distracted by those shiny screenshots.

SP 500 Average Return: 10%+

Nifty Index Average Return: 12%+

I’m not comparing markets, but if you manage to achieve even 5x returns on your portfolio during this bull run then it’s definitely a Big Win.

Note: If you have a smaller portfolio or less capital, you will need to give your 1000% to the market to see grow the money then think of multiplying it.

• Farm every single tokenless protocol.

• Hunt for small-cap memecoins.

• Grow your social media accounts by providing value. 🔍

• Consider finding a job in this industry (there are many opportunities).

Don’t just save this Take Action!