In the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang wrote a poem: "I got up before all officials did, and I didn't sleep when all officials went to bed. I am not as good as the rich man in Jiangnan, who still covered himself with a blanket when the sun was five feet high." The last two sentences envied the living conditions of the rich in Jiangnan. The wealthy businessman Wan Er heard the hidden meaning from it. He entrusted his property to his servants, bought a big ship, and left with his wife and children. Within three years, all the wealthy families in Jiangnan were beheaded, and their property was confiscated. Only Wan Er escaped the catastrophe! Is Li Ka-shing the contemporary Wan Er? This year, the overall assets of China's rich have shrunk by 15%. Many of them have benefited, and I believe that part of the funds must have flowed out through BTC. The rise of BTC is inseparable from China's strength. $BTC #BTC重返10万 #加密市场反弹