🚀 New Sale (https://t.me/timetoterminal/285) of LIMITED MODS by the Terminal team.

🗓 Sale Date: December 12th at 15:00

⬆️ If you’ve skipped the project before, tomorrow is the best opportunity to jump in. Limited mods generate higher income in $TON and $TRMNL compared to regular ones, and they last longer too.

How to buy a mod?

1️⃣ Go to the bot

2️⃣ Top up your balance (in the last sale, the cheapest limited mod cost 10 $TON and generated 12.5 $TON).

3️⃣ In the Earn section, you’ll find a block with limited mods. Each mod will have an Activate button below it.

Mods are extremely limited and sell out in less than a day. Plus, the date for the next mod sale is unknown.

🥳 Recently, I shared my Terminal success story—around ~$1900 in a month. Here’s the post (https://t.me/CryptoFreakChannel/173). We also held a marathon with the most expensive mod at the time. The last marathon post is here (https://t.me/CryptoFreakChannel/152). We bought the mod when $TON was at $4.7 and sold at $6. Plus, we made a post showing how withdrawals work—check the video (https://t.me/CryptoFreakChannel/170).

🏆 The market is currently in a slight correction. It’s smart to grab a couple of mods and later sell all the profit at a higher price. Remember, $TON peaked at $8.

🥂 I hope to snag a couple for myself. No similar apps can compete with Terminal. Earning 15-20% in 21 days (with a regular mod) is a massive return.

🤑 I’ll remind everyone and make a post as soon as the limited mods become available. Wishing everyone great profits—Terminal is the hidden gem of 2024!