Bitcoin: The reason for Trump and Musk's rise is to pave the way for the next step of harvesting the globe. Their original economic system has weakened, and they cannot harvest from other countries; they must find new avenues. The massive amount of U.S. debt also requires new ways to manage it, and we are riding this tailwind.
If you are still naively obsessed with candlestick charts, then your perspective is too small.
At the price of 100,000, the vast majority of retail investors have been thrown off the bus. If you still hold your tokens, congratulations! Remember I once told you to aim for getting off at 124,000. It is possible to pull it down to 150,000-200,000 later, but by then it won't mean much anymore. Get off when it's time; don't try to earn the last penny.
In 2025, Bitcoin will still face a significant drop, with an expected range of 70%. Roughly estimating,
If BTC rises to 135,000 (let's take a middle ground)
135,000 - 135,000 x 0.7 = 40,500
Next round BTC order pickup price: 45,000--40,500--38,700