Roger Stone, the veteran political strategist and vocal supporter of libertarian ideals, has voiced his strong backing for cryptocurrency pioneer Roger Ver on his website,, spotlighting an editorial advocating Ver’s presidential pardon.

Roger Stone Backs Roger Ver by Highlighting Editorial on Political Strategist’s Website, the digital platform of American political consultant Roger Stone, recently shared a compelling editorial by Aaron Day advocating for the presidential pardon of Roger Ver. Known as “Bitcoin Jesus” for his early and fervent support of cryptocurrency, Ver’s case has sparked widespread debate about the implications of prosecuting individuals based on their adherence to legal counsel.
Ver, an entrepreneur and prominent advocate for decentralized financial systems, is currently under threat of a staggering 109-year prison sentence. Prosecutors allege wrongdoing despite evidence that Ver meticulously followed his lawyers’ guidance to navigate the complex regulatory landscape of cryptocurrency. The case has raised alarm bells about the erosion of attorney-client privilege, a cornerstone of the legal system.
Stonezone’s publication of Day’s editorial highlights Ver’s broader impact on both the cryptocurrency industry and the philosophy of individual freedom. As the first merchant to accept bitcoin (BTC) and an investor in numerous blockchain-based enterprises, Ver’s efforts have showcased his commitment to disrupting centralized control over financial systems. Stone’s endorsement of the editorial further amplifies concerns over government overreach and its chilling effect on those challenging the status quo.
Day’s standpoint in the commentary featured on Stonezone framed his support for Ver within the context of natural rights and the non-aggression principle (NAP). The editorial draws parallels between Ver’s early challenges—such as a prison sentence for selling legal goods on Ebay—and his current plight, portraying him as a victim of systemic efforts to silence dissent against state control over money.
Check out today to explore Roger Ver’s Motion to Dismiss and lend your voice by signing the petition for his freedom.
The editorial warns that prosecuting Ver sets a dangerous precedent. If seeking professional legal advice can become the basis for prosecution, it risks undermining fundamental liberties not just for entrepreneurs, but for anyone reliant on the guidance of attorneys and accountants.
By elevating this issue on, Stone invites his audience to reconsider the implications of Ver’s case not only for the cryptocurrency industry but for the broader principles of justice and individual freedom.
The case against Roger Ver is not merely about cryptocurrency; it questions the integrity of legal protections in the face of government intervention. Stone’s support underscores the necessity of upholding the principles of liberty, due process, and ethical consistency.
Stone spotlighting Ver’s story on his website comes hot on the heels of Ver’s appearance on The Charlie Kirk Show with the political commentator, Charlie Kirk. On Dec. 10, Ver shared his journey with Tucker Carlson and his massive audience. Carlson, known for his candid commentary, called Ver’s tale “one of the craziest stories” he’s ever encountered and offered his support to the trailblazing crypto advocate.
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