Everyone who has driven knows

First drive slowly

Then drive fast

In the end, still end up driving slowly

Trading is the same

When you first enter the crypto world, be cautious and earn some money

Then you feel capable and drive faster

The positions get bigger and the leverage gets riskier

In the end, you lose it all in one last wave

Some people haven't even driven before

They just slam the gas pedal to the floor right away

If they don't crash, it's a miracle

Have respect for trading and the market

If you can't even earn BTC (slow driving)

Then altcoins should be even harder (fast driving)

If you can't even handle the leverage of BTC (fast driving)

Then the leverage of altcoins is just a pure giveaway (pedal to the metal)

#市场回调抄底还是观望? #BTC投资案未获微软股东同意 $BTC $ETH