Many people misunderstand the infinite divisibility of Bitcoin, thinking that after subdivision,

children give birth to grandchildren, grandchildren give birth to children, and so on endlessly.

This is a great misunderstanding of Bitcoin.

The divisibility of Bitcoin is essentially for payment convenience; otherwise, it would be impossible to make change.

If Bitcoin had such a crude technical flaw, it would have collapsed long ago; smart people like Musk wouldn't follow the trend.

Some people also say that the total supply of Bitcoin, capped at 21 million, can be modified at any time. This is also a misunderstanding.

The limitation on the total supply of Bitcoin is akin to a constitutional limit, already written into Bitcoin's DNA.

In summary, the current controversies surrounding Bitcoin are not due to

technological unreliability.

Instead, they are precisely because the technology is too reliable, leaving insufficient backdoors for government regulation.

Recently, in the Meme project, Musk's beloved pets DOGE and SHIB

have taken off in popularity~ and another of Musk's pets, Marvin, is also about to rise, as Musk has created a coin specifically for his beloved pet, which you can follow and learn more about.