Squid Game

"Squid Game 1" is a South Korean mystery thriller web series that premiered on Netflix on September 17, 2021. Directed and written by Hwang Dong-hyuk, it stars Lee Jung-jae, Park Hae-soo, and others. The series tells the story of 456 desperate low-income individuals invited by a mysterious organization to participate in six deadly games to win a prize of 456 billion Korean won, featuring games like "Red Light, Green Light" and "Dalgona". The cost of failing these challenges is death. The show became immensely popular after its release, topping the "Today's Viewership Chart" in 94 countries, and won several awards, including the "Best Breakthrough Series - Long Form" at the 31st Gotham Independent Film Awards.

Squid Coin #squid

Squid Coin is a virtual currency that went on sale on October 20, 2021. It is the exclusive token of a gaming platform named after "Squid Game". Its price skyrocketed 230,000 times within a week, reaching $2,861.8, but on November 1, it plummeted from $2,861 to $0.0007 within 5 minutes, a drop of 99.999976%. The gaming platform for Squid Coin mimics the six rounds of competition in "Squid Game", requiring players to pay a preset price in Squid Coin to participate in each game. Some rounds also require purchasing custom non-functional tools. The entry fee for each round is distributed in a 1:9 ratio between the developers and the reward pool. Additionally, players can earn Squid Coin through betting in the "Pinball Pool". Squid Coin is considered a scam, with its founder absconding, leaving around 40,000 holders even after the crash.

"Squid Game 2" is a mystery thriller television series written and directed by Hwang Dong-hyuk, starring Lee Jung-jae, Lee Byung-hun, Wi Ha-jun, and others. It is scheduled to premiere on Netflix on December 26, 2024. Below is the relevant introduction to the series:

In terms of plot

The story centers around Seong Gi-hun, played by Lee Jung-jae, and follows his journey from enlightenment to revenge after surviving the first season's deadly competition. Although Seong Gi-hun won the prize money, he did not flee but chose to return to the deadly arena, determined to end this brutal game. How he tracks down and stops the masterminds behind the scenes and deals with new opponents constitutes the key plot of the second season.

In terms of characters

Not only do Lee Jung-jae, Lee Byung-hun, Gong Yoo, Wi Ha-jun, and other original cast members return, but 12 new actors, including Ryu Jun-yeol, Kang Ha-neul, and Park Gyu-young, have also joined the cast, adding more twists and highlights to the storyline.