#winusdt #BICO

What is BICO coin?

BICO is one of the cryptocurrencies whose project serves the expansion goals of decentralized blockchain networks by providing a set of solutions that provide an easy user experience and are compatible with the requirements of the third generation of networks through their ability to provide the requirements for launching decentralized applications on the network. Mr. Ahmed Al-Balagi manages the position of CEO of BICONOMY.


BICO Coin Market Cap

BICO is ranked 190th in the cryptocurrency market with a market cap of $271,577,991 and a daily trading volume of $8,049,756 out of a total circulation of 722,758,758 units out of a total circulation of 1,000,000,000 units, with a diluted total value of $375,258,965.

BICO Coin Trading Methods

BICO can be traded directly by purchasing the currency from one of the trading platforms on which the currency is listed, through simple steps, which are opening an account on the trading platform and depositing it through credit cards and choosing the required currency and trading it or trading it through a financial broker by purchasing shares of cryptocurrency funds or trading contracts for differences. Trading shares of companies and currencies linked to the platform is also one of the aspects of indirect investment in BICO, as these methods allow investment in the currency without owning an asset of it.