DOGS is a new meme coin originating from the Telegram community, inspired by Spotty, a mascot created by Pavel Durov. This currency isn't just about potential profits; Rather, it offers a fun, easy and rewarding way to contribute through interactive games to the world of cryptocurrencies. Origins and Idea of DOGS Spotty, known as the official mascot, gained fame when Pavel Durov, founder of VK and head of Telegram, drew him during a charity auction to support orphanages. Today, Spotty represents not only the DOGS token chain, but also the community and adventure within the DOGS ecosystem. This legacy is now being presented with the launch of DOGS into the world of cryptocurrencies. This would include creating a very active community of engaged speakers willing to participate and contribute to charitable offerings such as DOGS' star feature, where the app earns stars that can be redeemed for real charity. DOGS Community Since its inception, DOGS has seen notable community engagement
This currency has a great future, as it is considered one of the best currencies and a candidate for the year 2025. Therefore, we will see it rise very significantly in the coming months. Watch it closely because it will cause a huge explosion.