thank you so much and is there any support and resistance recognised coin software or app ??
How I made $120,000 within 6 months
"How I Made $120,000 in 6 Months In my last three articles, I shared over 20 key points with you, and now I'm sharing even more crucial information to help you succeed. Here are the additional points: 1. Set a daily goal: Decide how much you want to earn, and then search for signals in the market. Look for gainers and losers coins to find potential trades. 2. Master candlestick patterns and chart patterns: If you're not familiar with these, take the time to learn them. 3. Invest in new coins before they're listed: Buy them and store them in your wallet. 4. Use stop-loss, take-profit, and limit orders: These tools can help you manage your trades effectively. 5. Trade with the trend: If it's a bull run, go long. If it's bearish, go short. If it's sideways, wait for volatility to increase. 6. Learn from experts: Find a mentor and learn from them. 7. Stay informed: Keep an eye on news, the 500 index, international news, and CoinMarketCap. 8. Help those in need: Assist the poor, the needy, and the hungry. This will bring blessings to your life and portfolio, and it will continue to grow. 9. Invest wisely: Never invest more than 25% of your life savings in cryptocurrency trading. Prioritize your financial security. 10. Protect your portfolio and capital: Always keep your portfolio and capital safe, and never compromise on risk management. Please follow me for more information and updates."
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