An address that spent 0.035 ETH ($73) to buy 26.1 trillion PEPE just 3 hours after the PEPE deployer added initial liquidity, transferred 189.3 billion PEPE ($4.22M) to Kraken 30 minutes ago.

Thanks to PEPE, it turned 73,$ into $7.06 million (9.67x).

1. On 2023-04-15 at 01:21, the PEPE deployer added initial liquidity on Uniswap, 3 hours later, this address spent 0.035 ETH ($73) to buy 26.1 trillion PEPE;

2. Three days later, it sold the majority of its PEPE, a small portion was held until recently before being transferred to Kraken for sale;

3. In any case, he transformed 73,$ into $7.06 million (9.67 times).

Address: 0xd1e34d859146dBe2B9eB75f2A36CD27737AAC52e