Let me tell you about the time I shorted ETC in 2021 and faced liquidation.

In the second half of 2021, I felt that the bull market was about to end, and ETC started to surge.

By April, it was stretching 30-40 points every day with very few pullbacks, and that’s when I started to short it.

I felt it couldn’t rise much more, but who knew it would reach its peak of $179 in May, starting from $3.07. I shorted it at $40-50, and at that time, everyone was in shock [doge][doge].

So what can be anticipated is that next year, ETC will also start to surge from March to April and will break the previous high. The surge will end in two months. If you’re an old fan, you should know what to do. 😰#比特币插针90.5K #历史见证者打卡 #RWA板块普涨 #美国合规概念币走扬 $XRP $ETC