In a bull market, many investors tend to frequently switch positions. As soon as they see the price of a certain cryptocurrency rising, they rush to change their holdings, which often leads to their original assets being easily sold off, falling into an endless cycle. In fact, most mainstream cryptocurrencies will take turns rising, without the need to deliberately chase price increases and switch positions. It may be wise to choose a few mainstream coins that have potential in the medium to long term and hold them patiently, allowing time to prove your choices. After all, only with patience and composure can one capture real opportunities in this market and protect their wealth.

This market is rapidly changing and unpredictable. Remember not to be easily misled by temporary price increases, overlooking the value of long-term investment. Choose wisely, proceed steadily, adhere to your investment philosophy, and believe that there will be rewards in the end. #Layer1公链普涨 #BNB创历史新高