#pyth Target Price Analysis
Since $PYTH is a newly launched coin, it is suitable to use the anchoring method for target price analysis.
Among newly launched coins, $PYTH has shown relative resilience against downturns, and its innovative Pull Price Update Model has strong market competitiveness, with a steadily growing market share. It has already begun to challenge Link's leading position in the oracle field.
Therefore, $PYTH/BTC is likely to rebound to the previous high of around 0.0000168.
Assuming BTC is in a bull market phase, the target price range is approximately between 140,000 and 150,000. When $PYTH/BTC rebounds to the previous high, it can be reasonably expected that the BTC price will stabilize around 130,000.
Based on this, we can deduce that the target price range for $PYTH is between 2 and 2.2.