1: Hard is currently in the observation zone, with the price consistently hovering around 0.16-0.15. A pullback layout is a good choice because this token has recently been undervalued, worth at least 5-20 dollars. 2: df is currently in the defi sector, with the price maintaining around 0.04090-0.03750. A pullback layout is a good choice, as the Ethereum upgrade next month will bring strong upward momentum to the defi series, and with a low market cap, the current price of 0.04000 is severely undervalued, worth at least between 1u-10u. I am optimistic about its decentralized platform. 3: ast is currently in the defi sector, with the price fluctuating between 0.0800-0.1070, with strong support between 0.0745-0.0845. A pullback can be a good layout. As an old coin from 2018, it is indeed quite good, and the price is severely undervalued. Given its actual application, we can expect to see at least 20u during the market launch. There is good news, and I am optimistic about ast.$HARD