#SOL On-chain Hot Narrative (1) 12.2


World-famous painting "Girl with a Pearl Earring", Binance tweeted a photo $3.4M (Image 1)

​2. $CTOAD

Calm Toad $2.8M (Image 2)

​3. $XRP

XRP on Solana $1.9M (Image 3)


$874K (Image 4)

​5. #Spooderman

CTO deployer ChillGuy $695K (Image 5)


Cold Guy $654K (Image 6)

​7. $MRZM

Morty's Christmas $513K (Image 7)


Designed to eliminate ordinary, clichéd, and boring Morty $458K (Image 8)

​​Smart money one-click tracking - Mouse Warehouse Alert

​*The above narratives and tools are for sharing only and do not constitute investment advice