Original | Odaily Planet Daily (@OdailyChina)
Author | Fu He How (@vincent 31515173)
Yesterday, Telegram’s mini-game Major was launched simultaneously on multiple exchanges including OKX and Bitget, attracting widespread attention from the market. Even Telegram’s founder Pavel Durov posted in the channel that he would not sell the 1% tokens airdropped to him by Major within 10 years.
“The Major Mini Program is one of my favorite success stories of the Telegram ecosystem. Because it quickly adopted the new possibilities of the Mini Program platform and added features that feel naturally belong to Telegram. I also like Roxman, who I have been following since before he launched Fabrika and Major. Roxman generously donated 1% of the MAJOR tokens to me, which I will not sell for the next 10 years. I heard that the Major team is preparing many innovations (such as username NFT leasing and digital IDs).”
According to OKX data, MAJOR broke through 1.9 USDT at the opening, with the highest increase of 288%, and has now fallen back to 1.15 USDT. After MAJOR was listed on the exchange, the Tap to Earn projects that were previously listed on the exchange also rose to a certain extent, among which HMSTR broke through 0.004 USDT, with a 24-hour increase of 6.53%.
As a new Telegram game, why can the launch of Major drive the rise of the Tap to Earn sector? Odaily Planet Daily explains the Major project and its recent progress, and summarizes why Major can stand out.
Tap to Earn is just a traffic diversion, identity recognition is the purpose
Major is a star rating game based on the Telegram platform, initiated by 27-year-old entrepreneur Roxman, and officially launched on July 3, 2024. Since its launch, Major has quickly attracted more than 70 million users and generated more than $10 million in revenue in just five months. Players earn "stars" by completing tasks, inviting friends, participating in games, etc., and win generous TON token rewards by improving their rankings, and eventually become "big shots" in the community.
Core gameplay:
Get Stars: In Major, stars are the core of player competition. Players can get stars by completing daily tasks, inviting friends, and improving their profiles. For example, inviting a regular user can get 15 stars, while inviting a premium user can get 50 stars. In addition, players can also influence others' ratings by giving stars, voting, etc.
Ranking mechanism: Major ranking is based on the number of stars players have obtained, and the ranking will be released every week. The top 100 players on the ranking can receive TON tokens as rewards. The first place will receive 150 TON tokens, the second place 100, and so on. By continuously improving the ranking, players can not only get rewards, but also gain reputation in the community.
Multiple game modes: Major integrates multiple game types in the TON ecosystem, such as click, turntable, and elimination, etc. Players can accumulate stars by playing games, enriching the game experience. Different types of games and tasks allow players to participate in a variety of ways, enhancing the fun and interactivity of the game.
Special features: Major also provides players with some additional features, such as daily login rewards and lottery functions. Players can draw a lottery for free once a day, and they can get an extra chance to draw a lottery after inviting 10 friends. These features further increase the player's sense of participation and motivation.
Most Tap to Earn projects have a great advantage in traffic acquisition before the token is issued due to the potential airdrop expectations, but once the token is issued, the traffic is not as good as before, and the advertising revenue also declines further. How to extend the project life cycle and create more diversified products has become the main research issue of the project.
Major plans to launch an innovative feature in the future - Telegram Business Card. Users will be able to convert their Major profile into a verified Telegram Business Card for quick sharing within Telegram and the TON ecosystem. The Business Card will display the user's balance in Major (such as MAJOR tokens and other tokens), the channels the user owns, the registration date, and the wallet registration date. In addition, Major will also introduce a wallet verification system within the platform to improve security and transparency.
The airdrop ratio is high, and the team has no reserve
Major’s token economic model has also received widespread attention. The distribution method is as follows:
80% for the community: 60% allocated to current players with no lock-up restrictions; 20% for future community incentives, liquidity mining and subsequent development.
20% for marketing and development: This part of the funds will be used for marketing, liquidity support and future product development, and most of the funds will be unlocked within 10 months.
Most of the tokens are used for airdrops to users, and there is no lock-up limit. This move has won praise from airdrop players. In addition, the token distribution does not involve the team's tokens. Most of the tokens are used for the later construction of the project, which is conducive to the long-term development of the project.