Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has announced his strong support for the MAJOR token, pledging to hold 1% of its total supply for the next 10 years. Highlighting the seamless integration of the Major mini app with Telegram and its impressive community engagement, Durov expressed his confidence in the project. MAJOR plans to launch its token via an airdrop on The Open Network (TON) and aims to list on six major exchanges, with futures trading already live on OKX.
MAJOR’s Impressive Growth in the Telegram Ecosystem
In a November 28 update shared via his Telegram channel, Durov praised MAJOR as one of Telegram’s most successful mini apps. The platform has generated $10 million in revenue and attracted over 70 million users in just five months, showcasing its ability to drive strong community involvement and innovative use of the Telegram ecosystem.
Additionally, Durov revealed that Roxman, the developer behind Major, gifted him 1% of the token’s total supply. By committing to hold these tokens for a decade, Durov reinforced his long-term belief in the project.
MAJOR is expanding its mini app ecosystem with features like username NFT rentals, digital identities, and a gaming hub. These additions aim to enhance community engagement and elevate user experiences. With its rapid adoption and seamless integration into Telegram, MAJOR stands out as a major success within the platform’s ecosystem.
The Hype Around MAJOR Token
Supported by Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, the MAJOR token is gaining momentum as it prepares for listings on six top exchanges. Such listings are expected to increase its visibility and attract a wider audience. Meanwhile, MAJOR futures are already trading at $1.43 on OKX, reflecting growing interest among investors.
Durov’s decision to hold 1% of the token supply for 10 years has further fueled the hype, positioning MAJOR as a promising project in the crypto space. Industry experts are even calling Durov’s involvement a potential “crypto Black Swan” event, citing his ability to drive innovation and build trust in the community.
Telegram’s Rising Crypto Revenue
Telegram has seen significant growth in its crypto-related activities, with revenue from such operations surging by 225% to $1.3 billion in the first half of 2024. Telegram’s mini apps, including CeDeFi wallet Fintopio, are gaining traction for their innovative integrations, enabling smooth crypto transactions.
Durov emphasized these achievements, noting the role of Telegram in advancing crypto adoption and innovation. The strong performance of Telegram-backed projects like MAJOR reflects the platform’s ability to leverage its ecosystem for groundbreaking developments.
Final Thoughts
Pavel Durov’s endorsement of the MAJOR token highlights the growing importance of Telegram’s crypto ecosystem. With plans for innovative features and significant backing from one of the industry’s most influential figures, MAJOR has the potential to become a key player in the crypto market.
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