11.28 Liquidity Analysis:
Currently, the liquidity concentration for Bitcoin is mainly around 97500 above, and concentrated around 94500 below,
Ethereum liquidity concentration is mainly around 3645 above, and concentrated around 3526 below,
From the liquidation map:
Bitcoin liquidation range is mainly concentrated below 95153-94353-93553-92753, while Ethereum liquidation is mainly concentrated above 96053-96853-97653-98453-99253.
Ethereum long positions liquidation is concentrated in the range below 3585-3554-3523-3492-3460-3429, while Bitcoin liquidation is above 3632-3663-3694-3726-3757.
From the current liquidation map, for Bitcoin, pay attention to support around 95000 below, if it breaks, watch for around 94500 below, and for resistance around 96500 above. If it breaks through, watch for around 97000.
For Ethereum, pay attention to support around 3560 below, if it breaks, watch for around 3520 below, and for resistance around 3645 above, if it breaks through, watch for around 3700.
Strict trading plans, strict risk control.
Real-time market, real-time treatment, personal suggestions are for reference only, gains and losses are at your own risk, Baidi community, unlocking the wealth password!
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