1. The purpose of buying and selling is to make money through trading. Understand the importance of being content and do not keep thinking that prices will rise again. When prices fall, do not have a wishful thinking mindset, believing that they will quickly rise again; that is not acceptable. If the position trend is not right, you must act immediately.
2. There are no absolute lows and highs in the market; ordinary people cannot play that game. What we can do is trade in the bottom and top areas, making steady profits is enough.
3. Be cautious of positions that rise without volume and reach new highs without volume. It is likely a false signal from the main force selling off; never chase, it's better to miss out than to make a mistake.
4. After a sharp drop, there are often bigger opportunities hidden. When others are greedy, you must be vigilant; when others are fearful, you must be brave. During market crashes, don't be afraid; pick some good positions and build your holdings boldly.
5. At market peaks, when transaction volume surges, do not rush to sell. The market may still have upward momentum. However, if transaction volume suddenly decreases, you must retreat quickly. This indicates that the market is no longer capable of rising; if you don't leave now, you may get trapped.
6. At market lows, when transaction volume suddenly increases, do not impulsively buy. This may just be a small rebound during a downtrend. Be patient and observe; if transaction volume continues to increase and there is continuous capital inflow, it is a good time to enter the market.
Investors, whether beginners or experts, gain not only financial returns but also growth in investment knowledge and experience.
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