
Based on Binance's statement that in the past few hours, the entire network has experienced liquidations of more than 60 million US dollars, mainly short positions, here is an analysis from various perspectives to help investors make decisions between BUY or HOLD:

Fundamental Perspective

1. Increased Liquidation of Short Positions

The massive liquidation of short positions indicates that the market may have moved against strong bearish (negative) expectations, signaling a potential rebound or recovery in price. Investors may consider BUYing if their fundamental analysis shows a positive outlook for the asset in question.

2. Potential Overreact Market

Sometimes, the market overreacts to short-term events, causing the asset price to drop drastically. When this happens, a BUY opportunity can arise for those who believe the asset’s fundamentals are still strong.

Technical Perspective

1. Technical Analysis of Liquidation

Investors who use technical analysis may view large liquidations as signals of a trend reversal or strengthening. Large liquidations of short positions may signal that selling pressure has peaked and buyer momentum is starting to build, suggesting potential buying.

2. Market Volatility

Increased volatility can be an opportunity for traders looking to profit from short-term price fluctuations. However, it also indicates higher risk, so further consideration and analysis are needed before making a BUY action.

Psychological Perspective of Market

1. Investor Sentiment

Increased liquidations, especially from shorts, generally change market sentiment. Investors need to assess whether this change in sentiment is temporary or the beginning of a new trend. Sometimes, maintaining a HOLD position while waiting for more data can be a wise strategy.

2. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

News of major liquidations can trigger FOMO among investors. It is important not to get carried away by emotions and make rational decisions based on in-depth analysis.

Pros and cons

The BUY or HOLD debate is often colored by the different approaches of long-term investors versus short-term traders. Long-term investors may lean more towards a HOLD strategy, especially if they are confident in the long-term fundamentals of the asset. On the other hand, short-term traders may tend to take advantage of market volatility with a BUY strategy at the right time.

Market Decision BUY or HODL?

The decision to BUY or HOLD after a major liquidation in the market should be based on a combination of fundamental, technical and psychological analysis of the market, as well as suitability to the individual's strategy and risk tolerance. It is important for investors to take the time to thoroughly analyze the situation before making a decision.