Do You Know You Can Earn Free #NFPrompt from binance Launchpool

Yes you can just follow the steps below and you are on your to earn for free.

You just need $BN $FDUSD or $TUSD , just stake, HODL and Earn.

Step By Step On How to Stake

Step 1.

Go to the #Binance Homepage on the app.

Then Click on the Binance logo at the top left corner as you can see on the image above.

Step 2.

Click On the More Service.

If you don't have more service but show all the services Binance offers then skip Step 2 and move straight to Step 3.

Step 3.

Look For Launchpool or you can Search it on the Search Bar.

Then click on it to move to the final step and that is where you stake any of the coin i mention at the beginning of this Article.

Step 4.

Choose the coin you want to stake with and click on stake.

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