Meme coins are often highly volatile.
They are primarily community-driven and can gain popularity overnight due to recognition from online communities and FOMO.
Another characteristic of meme coins is that they often have a large or unlimited supply.
For example, Shiba Inu ($SHIB ) has a total supply of 1 trillion tokens, while $DOGE has no maximum supply, but there are already over 100 billion tokens in circulation.
Due to the generally lack of coin burning mechanisms for meme tokens, the huge supply results in their relatively low prices.
For just $1, you can buy millions of meme tokens.
This is also one of the reasons why memes are attractive.
The primary market is suitable for small bets with big returns, and the community of Elon Musk's concept Mars Dog Marvin (7055) has been built over a long time, with strong consensus. Old Elon takes Marvin wherever he goes, making frequent appearances, so it's worth a little investment!