If retail investors understand these six tricks,
Turning 100,000 into 5 million is no longer a dream.
What are the six tricks?
The first trick is to set stop losses and take profits properly.
We trade cryptocurrencies not to hold them as family heirlooms; when we make a profit, we must take it, and when we incur a loss, we must cut our losses. If the trend is not right, act immediately.
The second trick is not to always think about bottom fishing and topping out.
There is no absolute high or low in the market; we ordinary people can't play that game. Buy in the bottom area, sell in the top area, and steadily make money.
The third trick is to keep a close watch on the relationship between volume and price.
If prices rise without volume, and new highs are reached without volume, be cautious. This may indicate that the main force is offloading, and don't chase after false signals; it's better to miss out than to make a mistake.
The fourth trick is to react quickly like the wind.
Whenever the market shows movement, look for beneficial sectors and companies. If you can't catch the first tier, don't miss the second tier; there are still opportunities to seize.
The fifth trick is learning to rest is very important.
As the saying goes, it takes three months to find the bottom and three days to find the top. The main upward wave is only a short period; seize the opportunity to make big money. At other times, take a good rest, recharge your energy, and get ready for battle.
The sixth trick is to find opportunities in the midst of a crash.
After a sharp decline, there are many opportunities; when others are greedy, you must stay clear-headed, and when others are timid, you must be brave. Don't be afraid during market crashes; boldly pick some good positions to add to.
These six tricks sound simple, but they are not easy to execute. Why? Because human weaknesses are hard to overcome. If you can't get over this hurdle, your dream of 5 million may be hard to realize.
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