Compared to the previous cycle #doge⚡ , we may currently be at the level of January 4, 2021 (see the yellow arrow on Chart 1).

If this is the case, we may face a period of volatility. In the last cycle, the price fell by 55% during two weeks of decline. While I am not saying this will happen again, it is important to lay all the data on the table.

Ideally, it will end on December 9. If not, we may see a window between December 9 and December 23, 2024.

If the chart of the previous cycle fully repeats, we might see $2.8 between December 9 and December 23. However, it is hard to imagine what could trigger such a huge volatility, so it is advised to stay calm.

The conservative plan suggests that during this time frame, a reasonable range is $1 to $1.45 (twice the previous high).

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Stay patient! Stay patient!! Stay patient!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Source: @btc_MasterPlan
