Two very important words
Look, my son, people who tell you day and night not to
Get out until you achieve 100x and stuff like that
Literally wear you on the wall and whoever doesn't understand what it means wears you on the wall, meaning he sells you an illusion.
99% of currencies will achieve 1 to 10x from the bottom of August.
You want to bet on 1x that it can achieve 100x
I can be a sweet person and sell you an illusion and tell you a lot of x's and you love me more.
Look, sir, if the market value of the digital currency market reaches 7 to 10 trillion, dream as you please
I swear it's not frustrating
But I don't want to make you dream a big dream and then collide with reality
The currencies that can achieve hundreds of x's can be counted on the fingers
Be realistic and be satisfied with a reasonable profit
I swear I wish you a thousand x's
But be careful