$QNT Gilbert Verdian, one of the founders of Quant network, came up with the idea of ​​blockchain project while working in healthcare. Verdian identified the importance of interoperability to ensure patients registered on different platforms are covered.

Verdian has over 20 years of industry experience and works to achieve tangible results in upgrading the security, technology and business strategies of businesses worldwide. He previously served as the chief information security officer (CISO) of Vocalink, a Mastercard card company, chief information officer of NSW Ambulance, CISO of eHealth NSW and security leader of the UK Department of Justice.

Quant coin

Second co-founder Dr. Paolo Tasca is a digital economist and entrepreneur specializing in distributed systems. Dr. Tasca has served as a special advisor on blockchain technologies to the EU Parliament, the United Nations and several central banks. He is also the co-author of several fintech books and is the co-founder and chairman of the board of the Retail Blockchain Consortium.