How to choose the next promising Memecoin to be listed on BN?
1. Liquidity health, which is the ratio of liquidity to market capitalization. A higher ratio indicates better liquidity conditions and a more stable price; conversely, a lower ratio indicates concerning liquidity and significant price volatility.
2. Per capita trading volume should not be overlooked, as it is the ratio of trading volume to trading addresses. A high value indicates a concentration of large holders and high control; a low value indicates a predominance of retail investors and dispersed chips.
3. Per capita transaction count is derived from the number of transactions divided by the number of addresses. A higher value indicates high activity and frequent swing trading; a lower value indicates stagnant transactions and fewer swing participants.
4. Potential index, which is the ratio of trading volume to market capitalization. A high value indicates that the market cap struggles to match trading demand, indicating significant upward potential; a low value suggests that the market cap can meet trading demand, limiting upward space.
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