BTC has been hitting new highs recently, but the mood in the market does not seem to have risen with it, but instead there are complaints. I have summarized the following main reasons:

1. Some investors, such as Heyue, have been bearish on BTC, expecting it to fall so that they can buy at the bottom. However, BTC has been advancing all the way, and these investors are either deeply trapped or have their positions blown up because they cannot withstand the pressure.

2. Recently, meme coins such as $ACT and $PNUT have performed well, attracting the attention of many investors. Driven by the psychology of "fear of missing out" (FOMO), they have chased high and bought, but unexpectedly they were trapped at the top of the mountain.

3. Some investors bet all on Ethereum, but Ethereum's performance was not as strong as expected. They self-deprecatingly said: "All-in Ethereum, the sins committed in the last life will be repaid in this life." The words revealed endless helplessness and regret.

4. Some investors hold all altcoins in their hands, and all their positions are trapped. Watching BTC continue to rise, the coins in their hands are falling, and they are anxious.

5. Some investors began to regret, recalling that they had the opportunity to buy BTC at a low point before, but they failed to hold on for various reasons and missed the great opportunity.

#MEME趋势风向 #BTC何时突破10万?