Trump finally stops being evasive and expresses his thoughts openly.
First, he bluntly states that the United States pays too much to international organizations without receiving corresponding "special treatment"; those international organizations should operate around the interests of the United States, otherwise, the U.S. has no need to continue being the "sucker." This kind of rhetoric completely ignores the principles of fairness and multilateralism in international organizations and is based solely on unilateral interests of the U.S.
Second, he claims that the U.S. has always been the "losing" side in trade, completely disregarding the fact that the U.S. has long gained huge benefits through its advantageous trade rules. He distorts normal international trade relations into the U.S. being harmed, using it as an excuse for his protectionist behavior.
Third, on immigration issues, he states that the U.S. does not need so many "outsiders," ignoring that the U.S. is a nation of immigrants, and it is immigrants from different cultural backgrounds who have made significant contributions to the development of the U.S., his remarks deny the value of American immigrant culture.
Fourth, regarding ally relations, he claims that the U.S. should not always foot the bill for its allies and demands that allies take on more military costs. While this reflects the issue of burden-sharing among allies to some extent, his nearly "extortionate" manner of expression seriously undermines trust among allies.
Fifth, he openly states that there is a lot of fraud in U.S. elections but fails to provide solid evidence; such baseless claims seriously disrupt the political order in the U.S. and exacerbate domestic political divisions.
Sixth, on environmental issues, he believes that the U.S. should not be bound by international environmental agreements, claiming that these agreements harm the U.S. energy industry. However, he fails to recognize that global environmental issues require all countries to share responsibility, and the U.S. cannot only consider its short-term economic interests.
Seventh, he points out that U.S. military actions are all aimed at maintaining U.S. security, but in reality, some of the U.S. military interventions have brought great disasters to other countries and infringed upon the sovereignty of other nations; his glorification of U.S. military actions is a desecration of international peace.
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